
Tetanus Vaccines and Vaccinations in the West Midlands

We provide a full range of Tetanus travel vaccinations and medication in the West Midland area

Tetanus Vaccines


Tetanus is introduced into the body through a puncture wound such as a laceration, burn or scratch. Tetanus is caused by a toxin produced by bacteria called Clostridium tetani and is present as spores in soil and manure. Tetanus spores are found throughout the world. Vaccination is recommended at least every 10 years.

At the West Midlands Travel Clinic we can discuss with you the Tetanus Vaccine and guide you in the right direction when travelling abroad.

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Vaccination Pricing

£39 Per dose

£39 Per Course

Signs & Symptoms

  • Spasms involving skeletal muscles. Lock-jaw and a stiff neck are common
  • Abnormal breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Death occurs in 10-20% of cases


All travellers should be aware of the risk of accidents, thoroughly clean all wounds and seek appropriate medical attention.

The Vaccination

Ages (Years) Doses Required Schedule Time before travel Boost required at
6 – 85 1** Up to day before* See specialist pharmacist

*Vaccine at its most effective when given more time to become active. If given up to the day before travel, some immunity will be provided for your trip.

**Children who have have already been immunised with the NHS childhood vaccination program

How do you catch Tetanus?

Tetanus is caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which enters the body through a wound or cut. The bacteria produce a toxin that affects the nervous system, leading to muscle stiffness and spasms. Here are the primary ways in which tetanus can be contracted:

  1. Contaminated wounds: Tetanus bacteria thrive in environments with low oxygen levels, such as deep puncture wounds, cuts, or burns. If these wounds become contaminated with soil, dust, or animal feces that contain the bacteria, it can lead to tetanus infection.
  2. Puncture wounds: Any puncture wounds, including those from nails, splinters, insect bites, or body piercings, can provide an entry point for tetanus bacteria.
  3. Open wounds: Any open wound, such as a surgical incision, laceration, or ulcer, can be susceptible to tetanus if exposed to the bacteria.
  4. Unsterile instruments: If surgical or medical instruments are not properly sterilized, they can introduce tetanus bacteria into the body during procedures.

It's important to note that tetanus cannot be transmitted from person to person. It is the result of spores of the bacterium Clostridium tetani entering the body through a contaminated wound.

To prevent tetanus, proper wound care is essential. Cleaning wounds thoroughly with soap and water, applying antiseptics, and seeking medical attention for deep or dirty wounds can help reduce the risk of infection. Routine tetanus vaccinations are also crucial, with booster shots recommended every 10 years or after potential exposure to tetanus.

Who is at risk from Tetanus?

Tetanus can affect individuals of any age group, but certain factors can increase the risk of infection or severe complications. The following groups are generally considered to be at higher risk of tetanus:

  1. Individuals with incomplete or inadequate vaccination: People who have not received the recommended tetanus vaccinations or have not completed the primary series of vaccinations are at increased risk. It is important to follow the vaccination schedule and receive booster shots to maintain protection against tetanus.
  2. Older adults: Older individuals may have a higher risk due to potential gaps in their vaccination history or waning immunity over time. Maintaining up-to-date tetanus vaccinations is particularly important for this age group.
  3. Individuals with contaminated or deep wounds: Tetanus bacteria thrive in environments with low oxygen levels, such as deep puncture wounds, contaminated wounds, or wounds with tissue damage. Individuals with such wounds have an increased risk of tetanus if proper wound care and vaccination are not observed.
  4. Individuals with poor wound hygiene: People who have poor wound care practices, such as inadequate cleaning or neglecting to seek medical attention for dirty or deep wounds, are at higher risk of tetanus.
  5. Individuals in developing regions: In areas with limited access to healthcare, vaccination programs, and wound care facilities, the risk of tetanus may be higher due to inadequate immunization coverage and limited medical resources.

It's important to note that tetanus can be a severe and potentially life-threatening condition. Maintaining up-to-date tetanus vaccinations, particularly with booster shots, practicing proper wound care, and seeking prompt medical attention for contaminated or deep wounds are essential preventive measures for individuals at risk of tetanus.

Symptoms of Tetanus

Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is characterized by a set of distinct symptoms that primarily affect the muscles and nervous system. The symptoms of tetanus typically develop within a few days to a couple of weeks after the bacteria enter the body. Here are the common symptoms associated with tetanus:

  1. Muscle stiffness and spasms: The hallmark symptom of tetanus is muscle stiffness, particularly in the jaw (lockjaw), neck, and facial muscles. These muscle spasms can be painful and cause difficulty in opening the mouth or swallowing.
  2. Stiffness and rigidity: Muscles throughout the body can become stiff and rigid, leading to restricted movements and a stiff posture.
  3. Painful muscle contractions: Involuntary muscle contractions and spasms can occur, which may be triggered by stimuli such as noise, touch, or movement.
  4. Difficulty swallowing and breathing: Muscle stiffness in the throat and chest can make swallowing and breathing difficult, potentially leading to respiratory problems and shortness of breath.
  5. Elevated heart rate and blood pressure: Tetanus can cause autonomic nervous system dysfunction, resulting in an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
  6. Fever and sweating: Some individuals may experience a low-grade fever and excessive sweating.
  7. Irritability and restlessness: Tetanus can cause changes in mental state, leading to irritability, restlessness, and anxiety.

It's important to note that severe cases of tetanus can result in complications such as fractures, muscle tears, and breathing difficulties that may require intensive medical care. Tetanus is a medical emergency, and immediate medical attention should be sought if symptoms are present, particularly if there is a history of a contaminated wound or inadequate immunization against tetanus. Treatment typically involves wound care, tetanus immunoglobulin, muscle relaxants, and supportive care to manage symptoms and prevent complications.

What are the Tetanus risk areas?

Tetanus Risk Areas

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