Malaria Tablets

Get Malaria Tablets for Travel

A one stop shop for all your holiday vaccinations and malaria tablets

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We offer Malaria Tablets

A one-stop shop for advice, prescriptions and supply of malaria tablets.
No need to see your GP, no wait times, fast and convenient service!
Our specialist travel health trained Pharmacists can prescribe the full range of available malaria tablets.

Drug Price per tablet Price per pack
Generic Equivalent to Malarone (Atovaquone/Proguanil) (12) £2.50 £30.00
Malarone (12) £3.50 £42.00
Malarone Paediatric (12) £1.75 £21.00
Doxycyline 100mg capsules (8) £0.65 £5.20
Mefloquine (Lariam) 250mg £4.00 £32.00
Paludrine/Avloclor (Proguanil/Chloroquine) (14) - £24.00
Acetazolamide 250mg tablets £0.99 £110.88

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