HPV Vaccines and Vaccinations in the West Midlands

We provide a full range of HPV travel vaccinations and medication in the West Midlands

HPV vaccine

A common virus with over 200 variants, most which are harmless. However, some variants can lead to cervical cancer, genital warts and other types of cancers. It is best to get vaccinated before you have sex for the first time as this means you are protected before you are first exposed to HPV. You will still benefit from the vaccine if you have had sex.

At the West Midlands Travel Clinic we can discuss with you the HPV Vaccines and guide you in the right direction when travelling abroad.

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Vaccination Pricing

£175 per dose ( 2 or 3 doses per course)

£350 per course (2 dose)

£525 per course (3 dose)

The Vaccination

Ages (Years) Doses Required Schedule Boost Required
12-14 years 2 5-13 months apart N/A
15-44 years 3

2nd dose: 2 months apart
3rd dose: 6 months from 1st dose


How do you catch HPV?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is primarily transmitted through sexual contact. Here's how HPV can be transmitted:

  1. Sexual contact: HPV is most commonly spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected partner. The virus can be present in the skin or mucous membranes of the infected person, including the genital area, anus, mouth, or throat. It can be transmitted through any form of sexual activity that involves contact with these areas.
  2. Genital-to-genital contact: Direct skin-to-skin contact between the genital areas can lead to HPV transmission. Even if no penetrative sex occurs, the virus can be transmitted through contact with the infected area, including the external genitals, pubic area, or perineal region.
  3. Sharing sex toys: If sex toys are shared between partners, HPV can be transmitted if one of the partners has an HPV infection. It is important to clean sex toys thoroughly or use barriers (such as condoms) to prevent the spread of HPV.
  4. Vertical transmission: It is also possible for a pregnant woman with genital HPV infection to pass the virus to her baby during childbirth. This can lead to respiratory or genital HPV infection in the newborn.

It's important to note that HPV can be transmitted even when there are no visible signs or symptoms of infection. Condoms and other barrier methods can reduce the risk of HPV transmission but are not foolproof, as the virus can be present on areas not covered by the barrier.

HPV is a very common infection, and most sexually active individuals will acquire HPV at some point in their lives. Vaccination against HPV is available and is recommended for both males and females to protect against the most common HPV strains that cause cervical, anal, and other types of cancers, as well as genital warts. Regular screenings, such as Pap tests for cervical cancer, are also essential for early detection and management of HPV-related conditions.

Who is at risk from HPV?

HPV (human papillomavirus) can affect individuals of all ages and genders, but certain populations are at a higher risk of acquiring HPV or experiencing related complications. Here are some groups that are generally considered to be at increased risk:

  1. Sexually active individuals: HPV is primarily transmitted through sexual contact, so individuals who are sexually active, particularly those with multiple sexual partners, are at a higher risk of exposure to the virus.
  2. Younger age groups: HPV infections are more common among adolescents and young adults who are initiating sexual activity. The highest prevalence of HPV infections occurs in people aged 15 to 24 years.
  3. Unvaccinated individuals: Those who have not received the HPV vaccine are at a higher risk of acquiring HPV infection, especially the high-risk types that can lead to cervical, anal, or other cancers.
  4. Immunocompromised individuals: People with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS or those who have undergone organ transplantation, are at a higher risk of persistent or more severe HPV infections.
  5. Those with a history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Individuals who have previously been diagnosed with other STIs, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, may be at an increased risk of acquiring HPV infection due to shared risk factors and behaviors.
  6. Individuals engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors: Engaging in unprotected sex, having multiple sexual partners, or having sex with individuals who have a history of HPV infection or other STIs can increase the risk of acquiring HPV.

It's important to note that anyone who is sexually active can potentially contract HPV, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation. HPV is highly prevalent, and most sexually active individuals will acquire the virus at some point in their lives. However, practicing safe sex by using condoms and getting vaccinated against HPV can significantly reduce the risk of infection and related complications. Regular screenings, such as Pap tests or HPV tests, are also important for early detection and management of HPV-related conditions, particularly cervical cancer.

Symptoms of HPV

In many cases, HPV (human papillomavirus) infections do not cause any noticeable symptoms, and most people with HPV are unaware that they are infected. However, certain types of HPV can lead to visible symptoms and health issues. Here are some important points regarding the symptoms of HPV:

  1. Genital warts: Certain strains of HPV can cause genital warts, which are soft, raised growths on or around the genitals or anus. These warts can be small or large, flat or cauliflower-shaped, and may appear as a single wart or in clusters. They can cause itching, discomfort, or bleeding. Genital warts may develop weeks, months, or even years after exposure to the virus.
  2. Precancerous changes: High-risk HPV strains can cause changes to the cells of the cervix (in women), anus, or other areas, which can progress to precancerous or cancerous conditions if left untreated. These changes do not typically cause noticeable symptoms, which is why regular screenings such as Pap tests for cervical cancer are important for early detection.
  3. Cancers: Persistent infection with high-risk HPV types can increase the risk of developing various types of cancers, including cervical, anal, penile, vaginal, vulvar, and oropharyngeal cancers. Symptoms associated with these cancers may vary depending on the location and stage of the cancer. Common symptoms may include abnormal bleeding, pain, or discomfort in the affected area, difficulty swallowing or speaking (in the case of oropharyngeal cancer), or lumps or growths.

It's crucial to remember that HPV infections often do not cause symptoms, and the majority of infections clear up on their own without causing long-term health issues. Routine screenings, such as Pap tests and HPV tests (for certain populations), are essential for early detection and management of HPV-related conditions.

If you notice any unusual growths, changes, or symptoms in the genital or anal area, or if you have concerns about your risk of HPV, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.

Cholera risk areas

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