Get The HPV Vaccine In The West Midlands And Travel The World Safely

HPVs, or Human papillomaviruses, are a group of viruses that can be passed from one person to another through close physical contact. It is possible that this virus, once inside your body, could cause a fatal infection. The HPV vaccine is recommended for international travellers to decrease the probability of contracting or transmitting this virus. In the West Midlands, we are committed to keeping you healthy while you enjoy your trips.

Why is the HPV vaccination necessary in the West Midlands?

The HPV vaccine is necessary for protection against Human Papillomaviruses (HPV). HPV is a collection of more than 200 viruses that cause cancer and other malignancies.

These viruses are contagious among humans. Additionally, these viruses can spread regardless of gender, age, or geographical location.

Getting vaccinated with the HPV vaccine before travelling anywhere is recommended.

Why are boys given the HPV vaccine?

Young boys should be immunised against HPV viruses, which are prevalent among those aged 12 to 19 years.

Teenage boys are more likely to develop and spread the virus because they often begin to involve in sexual contact.

Moreover, boys more likely to participate in strenuous activities that necessitate a lot of physical contact should get their vaccines at their earliest because these viruses can also be transferred through skin-to-skin contact.

Therefore, if you are an international athlete, you should be vaccinated against HPV for your international tournaments.

Is the HPV vaccine given in the West Midlands to people of all ages?

There is no particular age requirement for the HPV vaccine, although there are several vaccine schedules such as:

The vaccine is suggested for children at age of 11 to 12 years. If the vaccine is not administered at that time, teens should get vaccine between the ages of 12 to 19 years.

If you didn’t get the HPV vaccination in childhood, you should have the vaccine between 27 and 45 years of age, particularly if you have travel plans. However, consulting with a GP or travel health expert is preferable.

Pregnant women are advised to wait to obtain the immunisation until after giving birth as it might endanger their fetus.

Why do you need the HPV vaccine for travel?

When travelling, you never know who you’ll meet and how you will interact with them. These viruses can transmit via the hands, genitalia, and even the mouth.

Vaccination is essential while travelling since any person may be a carrier of any of these viruses and may transmit their infection to you.

What certified vaccinations are offered in the West Midlands?

Similar to Hepatitis B Vaccines, we also provide authorised vaccinations for HPV.

The licensed vaccines for HPV are as follows:

  • Gardasil
  • Gardasil-9
  • Cervarix

At West Midlands Travel Clinic, get the HPV Vaccine before your trip. Make an appointment with us at your convenience.

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