Get Your Necessary Vaccines Before Flying To Vietnam
There are many incredible sights to see in Vietnam, making it a fantastic holiday spot. You can make sure you stay safe on your travels to Vietnam by getting the appropriate vaccinations before leaving. Travelling without the worry of getting ill is only one of the many benefits of getting immunisations before travelling. Keep reading to find out what necessary vaccines you need before travelling to Vietnam and how to get travel health advice in the West Midlands.
Do I need any vaccines before travelling to Vietnam from the West Midlands?
Remember that past vaccinations only provide temporary protection.
Completing a series of proper vaccines against potentially lethal diseases is strongly advisable for anybody travelling to Vietnam from the West Midlands.
In addition, it’s possible that you’ll need a booster immunisation against one of the several potentially fatal diseases that are widespread in Vietnam.
The following outbreaks are common in Vietnam:
Hepatitis A & B
Yellow fever
Japanese encephalitis
Getting the aforementioned immunisations is mandatory before camping, trekking, or any other adventure in rural areas of Vietnam.

Will any vaccination be mandatory for travel?
No. However, the most important measure you can take to safeguard your health against fatal infections is to get the necessary vaccines. As an added precaution, visitors to regions with higher-than-average disease rates, severe air pollution, or inadequate sanitation should receive vaccinations.
The most effective ways to avoid mosquito bites and other insects outdoors are to wear protective gear and sleep under a bed net.
In addition, it is essential to remember that if you are already taking antimalarial medication, you must finish the course before departure and throughout your vacation to prevent malaria.
Taking these medications before, during, and after a trip is essential. For legal reasons, you should have the necessary documents for your medication.
Do I need the yellow fever vaccine for Vietnam?
No. In Vietnam, the risk of contracting yellow fever is not extremely high. But if you’ve been somewhere with a risk of yellow fever, you should get the jabs before entering Vietnam.
In addition, adopting a hygienic eating and drinking routine is also essential for decreasing the likelihood of catching a stomach bug.
Keeping up with good hygiene practices will help you stay healthy. Also, you should only use safe and efficient modes of transportation.

Has Vietnam re-opened to tourists following Covid?
Yes. However, before travelling to Vietnam, you must check you have the requisite documents. Even if you have had all necessary vaccinations, you must still provide proof of a negative test for COVID-19.
Furthermore, the hepatitis B vaccination is mandatory for all travellers to Vietnam, regardless of age. For nearly twenty years, this vaccine has been widely administered.
It is encouraged that people who frequently travel and have any form of body modification (tattoo, piercing, etc.) get the hepatitis B vaccine. Immunity is permanent after a full course of vaccinations.
Book an appointment with West Midlands Travel Clinic if you need help from our travel medicine specialists.